Pokemon Go tips and tricks with Tutorial



How To Win Pokemon Go

How To Win Pokemon Go - Pokemon Go games uses the GPS on your phone to place you in its Pokemon world.  On the main screen it is usually difficult to miss the gyms - they're the biggest icons on your map. Here the tips and tricks with tutorial to win pokemon go. Look out for the tall, colourful towers near and far - they're usually located in places of interest or hubs of activity, and Pokemon are often visible at the top of the map icon. There will be a Pokemon sitting above them and they look like they rotate.

How To Win Pokemon Go

Once you've literally taken yourself to the nearby church or train station where the gym is situated, you can 'enter' it on your phone.

Pokemon Go Tutorial Tips and Tricks

To interact with the gyms you (i.e. your character) have to be level five or above - not too difficult a feat if you've played around with catching 'wild' Pokemon and get the Pokemon Go tutorial tips and tricks.

What do I do in the gym?
The first time you visit a gym you'll declare allegiance to one of the game's three teams (more on which below) - your choice affects how your options across different gyms.

Most gyms have already been claimed by a team but there is still a small chance you'll find a 'blank' one, which you can claim for yourself and your new team.

Gyms are, primarily, arenas for battling other trainers' Pokemon.  You can battle at both 'friendly' gyms and the gyms under the control of rival teams; the former will help reinforce your team's gym by raising its 'prestige' points, while the latter will chip away at the enemy's prestige, inching it closer to being claimed by your team.

Pokemon Go gym battle between Eevee and Hypno
You also have the option to leave a Pokemon behind at your team's gym to aid in its defence. Don't worry, that's not a purely charitable act - you'll be rewarded for your Pokemon's endurance with items and 'PokeCoins' that will help you get stronger. More generally it may be worth noting for those not already keyed into the basics of the Pokemon games that battling is the most direct way to strengthen your squad of Pokemon, raise their levels and  make them capable of more exciting stuff.

If I win a gym battle, is that gym then mine?
No. Your victory will help whittle down the gym's 'prestige points' and, just as you have your own team of Pokemon, so a gym has multiple defenders. Your team only wins a gym for itself when enough victories have been claimed to get the rival team's prestige there down to zero. You can help boost the defences of your own gyms by battling there - which will help build up prestige points for your team.

Which team should I pick in Pokemon Go?
You can pick between red, blue and yellow teams - or 'Valor', 'Mystic' and 'Instinct' to give them their respective proper names. (At the Telegraph, we think blue team is best!) Eachteam has a legendary bird Pokemon for a mascot. Valor are represented by the fiery Moltres; Mystic are fronted by the icy Articuno; Instinct fly under the sigil of the electric Zapdos.

The yellow team are led, fittingly, by a fellow named Spark and focus on letting individual Pokemon's power shine through.

This is what gyms look like on the main screen in Pokemon Go This is what gyms look like on the main screen In charge of the red team is a women called Candela, with more of a focus on Pokemon's traditional goal of training to become the very best trainer. The blue team have someone called Blanche as their head, and are most interested in ultimate knowledge about Pokemon and their evolutionary forms.

Feel free to let us know if you think it actually matters which team you pick - you're largely choosing whether you want to ally with or oppose your friends and their teams, and whether you want to be in the majority or minority where you live and work.

How does battling work in Pokemon Go?
The essence of Pokemon battles (pardon us, seasoned veterans) is to make the opponent faint, by attacking it until its health reaches zero. Whereas in previous Pokemon games the combat has been turn-based, in Pokemon Go it's more of a free-for-all - with the ability to dodge attacks by swiping on the screen at the right moment a notable new feature.

To attack, you can tap the screen to unleash a normal move, or hold down your thumb or finger to build power for a special attack.

Why people are getting into trouble playing Pokémon GO?

Battles are one-on-one only and you can only heal damage after the fighting is over. The 'combat power' of your Pokemon will be key in determining the result of the match, as will each Pokemon's type.

Every Pokemon has either one or two 'types'.  Each type has a handful strengths and weaknesses against other types and it pays to be well read on these.  For example, water Pokemon are super-effective against fire Pokemon, so try to avoid being caught at such a disadvantage, even if you have a higher combat power.

You can boost your combat power and evolve your Pokemon by using candy.

Of all the strange systems at play in the smash-hit Pokémon GO, the battling might be the strangest. Any Pokémon game revolves around catching Pokemon, training, and fighting Pokémon, and theoretically, fighting is the whole point of those first two steps. Pokémon GO, however, handles combat very differently from the rest of the games, and it can be a bit hard to figure out how to get a hang of things and start taking gyms. Here are a few tips to get a leg up on your opponents when it comes to gym battles in Pokémon GO:

So, the basics: there are three things you can do in a fight. You can tap to use your Pokémon‘s basic attack, and you can swipe left or right to dodge. As you use your normal attack, you’ll notice some blue bars filling up below your health. When you fill up a bar, you can hold down on the screen to use a special attack. Got it?

The first and most important thing is to understand how the Pokémon types work. On a basic level, some types of Pokémon are strong against other types and weak against others: water is strong against fire but weak against electricity, for example. There’s a lot to keep track of there, but there’s a handy chart for piecing it together. A lot of it is common sense, but some types, like fighting, may not be as intuitive.

You’ll do well just with that basic idea, but it’s a bit more complicated than that. Note that your Pokémon has a type both for itself and for its attacks: so while my Growlithe is classified as a fire Pokémon, his standard attack is “bite,” which is classified as dark. So Growlithe will be vulnerable to water as a fire Pokémon, but he’s only going to get a fire bonus for attacking while using his special attack, flamethrower. His standard attack gets a bonus against flying and rock. It’s a bit complicated, so get to know a few of your Pokémon well and make sure you’re keeping a relatively diverse bench. You get to bring six Pokemon into a gym fight, so try to time things so that your monsters will show up facing whatever they’re strongest against (you can always switch mid-stream, as well). Play the types right and you can punch above your weight, CP-wise.

The second thing you’ll want to do is get a hang of the dodge mechanic. As a warning, it’s not very well implemented. It’s sticky, hard to use and poorly explained. Oh well — maybe Niantic will fix it later on. Basically, you can swipe left or right to move your Pokemon around the arena, and you can actually avoid quite a lot of attacks.

My best recommendation would be to just go fight at friendly gyms and make liberal use of the dodge until it feels a bit more natural: I’ve found that I do well just alternating attacks and dodges, but to get fancier, watch the enemy’s animations and try to time your dodges to avoid all of them. After you dodge, attack once and wait until you’ve dodged the enemy’s attack to dodge again. It’s about patience, and if you do it right, you can win without taking a hit.


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